For colleagues

Dear collegues,

We can be useful to you by helping you in the area of:


Endodontics – contact us if you have difficulties treating complex or complicated endodontic case- if you can`t find all the root canals, if you find a pulp chamber that is filled with pulp stones, or the pulp canals are obliterated, if you stumble across curved root canals, or canals with broken instruments. We can also help you with teeth with big periapical lesions, or teeth with perforations or ledges in any part of the canal.

We can perform microscope-assisted apical osteotomy with a retrograde filling with MTA.

We can consult you for the endodontic prognosis- for tooth with or without treatment.

We can be most useful to you and the patient if you contact us before the start of the treatment of the tooth. If you start a difficult treatment and you can’t complete it you can also contact us.

We can also provide a regulated(supervised) stay in the clinic for dental practitioners so they can learn our clinical protocols for endodontic treatment.

We can also train your dental assistants in the area of endodontics and implantology.


Implantology you can refer patients for consultation regarding implant treatment- for planning and consecutive treatment.


Gnathologyproblemsbased on our experience we can give you advice for patients with traumatic occlusion, attrition, abrasion and pain in the temporo-mandibular joint. Also if you can`t transfer the central relation from the mouth to the articulator. We can also help you for treatments needing occlusal splint or complex gnathological rehabilitation for joints, muscles and gnathologic complex.
We will be happy if we achieve useful for everyone cooperation.


For the future dental doctors

If you wish to come to the clinic as a trainee during your study in the university you are welcome to MG Dental clinic. We will be glad to provide you with some useful advice. We like to meet and work with young and ambitious people.

Work time; Even dates; Odd dates; Non-working days